Pam's TNR Blog -Thank You Harry!

The Animal Defense League of Arizona's Spay Neuter Hotline lost a good friend today-Harry Bartel. Harry found the Hotline through extraordinary volunteer Pam Kalish. Harry lived in Chicago, but had business in the Valley.
Harry loved cats. We are extremely grateful for Harry's generous donations, but more importantly, he inspired everyone with his passion for our Trap Neuter Return Program for feral cats.
He believed in our program, staff and volunteers and what they could do. He encouraged all of us to do more. He also worked side by side with volunteers. While visiting the Valley, he jumped in to help at a clinic. Harry helped volunteers raise funds for the Hotline, by organizing garage sales.
Thank You Harry! We will miss you so much; but don't worry, you inspired us. We will keep it going!
His enthusiasm, personality and charisma would fill a room in an instant. Kinda like a sun beaming through the clouds.
Though I may not have known Harry as long as so many others, I am thankful to be one of those lucky few who had the pleasure of knowing and working with him.
Thank you Harry for your dedication to making the lives of so many animals, a better life!
Harry...You will be missed!
With every feral cat that we fix, we will continue to celebrate your life:)