"Finally snagged this little breeding slut yesterday morning! Caregiver was after her for two years. She managed to bypass the drop-trap and get tasty chicken scraps out of the closed dumpster several times before going for the Friskies under the dropper. She is headed to the vet this AM...Photo shows her diving out of the dumpster before heading under the dropper...took two days and a lot of patience to trap her..."
Drop-Trapping the last cat!
This was one of the longest trapping jobs I have attempted in years. After trapping 43 cats with Suzie at a defunct chicken processing facility earlier in the week more on that in another blog, this job started on Wednesday night and continue until the last release on Wednesday of the following week. Four were trapped from this location in a mobile home park (MHP) and another nine were trapped at another location in the park for a total of 13 cats TNR'd in this MHP. I cannot remember how many traps were made to this place but I trapped morning and evening including all that weekend. However getting this last female (pregnant, of course) was the highlight of this endeavor.
Note that this is an older drop-trap and my first one! It was built by my boyfriend (thank you Bill) and refurbished multiple times over the years. Bill build and refurbishes drop-traps. They do wear out over time because of the weight put on them while trying to transfer cats from the dropper into the trap. However, drop-traps are an invaluable resources when in the field trying to catch those difficult to trap cats.
Thank you everyone who as read by new blog and for you supportive comments. If you need assistance with TNR in the Phoenix metro area please call me at: 602-717-2287
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