Sunday, October 25, 2015

September 2015 Part II

Week of 9/28/15...

It has already been an exciting week! I was going for nine cats on Sunday evening and got 12 cats...all within 1.5 hours. The extra three cats were "the Toms" that hang out next door. Funny that so many caregivers forget to tell me about the Toms. These three were a cinch...went right in with fresh sardines. The other nine, three moms and six kittens were also very easy to catch. Had them all in less than one hour. Below is a photo of the kittens right before they were trapped.

Six kittens before trapping

Te 12 cats were at the vet on 9/28 and I brought them home for aftercare. Later in the evening, Peaches came to pick up her cat and Angelina to drop off a cat. While Peaches was there I showed her my catch and as we looked in to the last trap there was no cat! I could see that it was the only Siamese mom cat that had escaped. Evidence showed that she had pulled in the blue blanket under the trap working its way under the rings on the Tru-Catch trap. I said YIKES! - the garage door was open. So we shut it an searched the garage - no cat. As Peaches was leaving, Angelina came and heard about my plight. I had set a trap out front already. We decided to look again as some newspapers and other stuff had fallen off the shelf in the back corner of the garage. Finally I spotted her on top of a shelf behind a storage box. The cat rodeo began! After attempts to catch her we called in the reinforcements...Bill. He armed himself with the welding gloves as we corralled her into one corner. He grabbed her by scruff and butt and dropped her into a waiting trap on its side. I immediately wired that end of the trap shut. Still I worried all night about cats escaping...all were secure in the AM.

I released them all back early the next morning...below is a photo of the early release. From there I took Angelina's cat to the vet and checked in 18 cats for S/N. thank you Dr. Anderson for being here to help fix all these cats - you are the best!